Jul 17, 2022
Doing Life His Way
Posted by Ashley Ellison
God has given us a free will, and we have been given the opportunity to choose on our own who we will serve. Choosing to serve the Lord and do things His way is always the right choice. God has a plan and a purpose, and His way works.
- Jul 17, 2022Doing Life His Way
Jul 17, 2022Doing Life His WayPosted by Ashley EllisonGod has given us a free will, and we have been given the opportunity to choose on our own who we will serve. Choosing to serve the Lord and do things His way is always the right choice. God has a plan and a purpose, and His way works.
- Jul 10, 2022Something Bigger Than You
Jul 10, 2022Something Bigger Than YouPosted by Ashley EllisonThere is power in believing. What we believe effects our lives. Pastor Ashley challenges us to place our belief in the good news of Jesus, and experience the power of God.
- Jul 3, 2022Freedom
Jul 3, 2022FreedomPosted by Ashley EllisonThere is a fight for freedom. Men fought for our freedom, but they have had to fight to keep us free. Our spiritual freedom was won for us by Jesus, and we are now free from the bondage of sin and death. We have an enemy, but because of Jesus, we can live in freedom.
- Jun 26, 2022Protect Life
Jun 26, 2022Protect LifePosted by Ashley EllisonGod is the giver and starter of all life. Culture changes, but God's Word never changes. Ashley Ellison challenges believers to take a stand for the protection of life.
- Jun 19, 2022Show Me The Father
Jun 19, 2022Show Me The FatherPosted by Susan AllenSusan Allen shares on the importance of fathers being present in their homes, pointing their children to the Heavenly Father. Men have the awesome responsibility to represent Father God in their homes and families.
- Jun 12, 2022The Church-The Bride
Jun 12, 2022The Church-The BridePosted by Ashley EllisonSeries: The ChurchIn his message, "The Church-The Bride", Ashley Ellison teaches from Ephesians chapter 5, elaborating on the role of the church as the bride of Christ.He shares how deeply Christ loves his bride the church, and encourages believers to take a stand in our culture, defending purity for future generations.
- Jun 5, 2022The Church-The Building
Jun 5, 2022The Church-The BuildingPosted by Ashley EllisonSeries: The ChurchIn his message, "The Church-The Building", Pastor Ashley explains the significance of the building of God's glorious church. It is not a physical building, but a collection of God's people, who make up the temple of God. Together, we are his building.
- Jun 1, 2022Kingdom Currency
- May 29, 2022Say Yes
May 29, 2022Say YesIn her message, "Say Yes", Melanie Bertoglio teaches on the importance of saying "yes" to the opportunities that God gives us daily. Our significance comes from Jesus. God has always called and used ordinary people. God wants to use us. We simply need to say "Yes!".
- May 25, 2022Kingdom Culture
- May 22, 2022The Church-the City of God
May 22, 2022The Church-the City of GodPosted by Ashley EllisonSeries: The ChurchPastor Ashley Ellison shares the importance of seeing beyond our individual identity, and realizing the power of our corporate identity of Christ in us.Together with other believers in Christ, we the Church, are the city of God.
- May 18, 2022Parables-The Good Samaritan
May 18, 2022Parables-The Good SamaritanPosted by Ashley Ellison"Parables-The Good Samaritan" by Ashley Ellison.
- May 15, 2022The Church-The Assembled
May 15, 2022The Church-The AssembledPosted by Ashley EllisonSeries: The ChurchIn his message, "The Church-The Assembled", Pastor Ashley Ellison teaches on the importance of the body of Christ assembling together. He shows how the church needs to come together in unity of spirit, to be equipped to do the work of the ministry.
- May 11, 2022Parables-The Growing Seed
May 11, 2022Parables-The Growing SeedPosted by Chatman Laxton"Parables-The Growing Seed" by Chatman Laxton.
- May 8, 2022The Church-The Body
May 8, 2022The Church-The BodyPosted by Ashley EllisonSeries: The ChurchIn his message, "The Church-The Body", Pastor Ashley Ellison teaches about the importance of the body of Christ. Christ is the head of the church, and the believers are the body. We are not the body alone, we need each other. We are all a part of his glorious church together.
- May 4, 2022Parables-The Lamp
May 4, 2022Parables-The LampPosted by Melanie BertoglioWe are truly the light of the world. You've probably heard it said that "you are the only Bible some people will ever read." Most people come to the Lord because of a person who allows the light of Jesus to shine through them. The Parable of the Lamp reminds us to let that light shine.
- May 1, 2022Stay in Your Lane
May 1, 2022Stay in Your LanePosted by Chatman LaxtonYour lane is the path and call of God that He has marked out for your life. Chatman Laxton teaches that even doing "good things" can pull us out of our lane and off of that path.
- Apr 27, 2022Parables-The Authority of Jesus
Apr 27, 2022Parables-The Authority of JesusPosted by Chatman Laxton"Parables-The Authority of Jesus" by Chatman Laxton.
- Apr 24, 2022The Church
Apr 24, 2022The ChurchPosted by Ashley EllisonSeries: The ChurchWe have an individual identity in Christ, but we have a corporate identity as His glorious church. Ashley Ellison teaches on the church, elaborating on the the body, the building and the bride. We only reflect the beauty of the body of Christ when we are a part of his glorious church.
- Apr 20, 2022Parables-The Vineyard Workers
Apr 20, 2022Parables-The Vineyard WorkersPosted by Ashley EllisonPastor Ashley Ellison teaches us about the goodness of God toward all of His people through the Parable of the Vineyard Worker. This parable clearly shows that God's goodness is always a stumbling block to those whose hearts are not tuned in to God's ways.
- Apr 17, 2022Follow Me
Apr 17, 2022Follow MePosted by Ashley EllisonThrough Jesus' death and resurrection, he made a way that we can interact with a holy God. Our salvation is totally connected to the resurrection. Because he is alive, new life is available for us. He took our death so we can have his life!
- Apr 13, 2022The Parables-Matthew 13:24-52
Apr 13, 2022The Parables-Matthew 13:24-52Posted by Ashley Ellison"The Parables-Matthew 13:24-52" by Melanie Bertoglio.
- Apr 10, 2022Self Destructive Life
Apr 10, 2022Self Destructive LifePosted by Ashley EllisonWe all face frustrations. If we don't learn to handle those properly it can cause destruction in our life. In his message, "A Self Destructive Life", Pastor Ashley Ellison shares four ways people walk in frustration, and teaches how to identify those areas and address them. As we allow God's light to shine on those potential frustrations, we can make the necessary changes to live a victorious life.
- Apr 6, 2022Parables- The Shrewd Manager
Apr 6, 2022Parables- The Shrewd ManagerPosted by Ashley EllisonYou can take something temporary, plain old money, and use it for something eternal. Every bit of money you use to invest in someone else's life will have eternal benefit. Pastor Ashley Ellison teaches the concept of eternal dividends using the Parable of the Shrewd Manager from Luke 16.
- Apr 3, 2022The Fig Tree